Discover the Path of Herbalism: Why become an Herbalist in 2023

Why Herbalism Matters to Me

Hello, I'm Ivy Ham, a dedicated herbalist and founder of I've spent years exploring the profound world of natural medicine, focusing on holistic healing and preventative care. The path of herbalism is rich and fulfilling, and I am thrilled to guide you through the compelling reasons to consider this journey for yourself. As we face the challenges of modern healthcare in 2023, herbalism offers a refreshing and essential alternative.

The Troubling Lack of Informed Consent in Western Medicine

A Need for Change

In my years of practice, I've observed that the Western medical system often fails to provide complete and transparent information about treatments. This lack of informed consent can leave patients feeling isolated and disempowered, something I passionately believe needs to change. Herbalism prioritizes an open dialogue, empowering patients to make informed decisions about their health.

A Comprehensive Approach: Healing the Root Cause

Beyond Symptom Relief

Unlike conventional medicine, which often targets only symptoms, herbalism seeks to understand and address the root causes of health problems. By integrating lifestyle and dietary changes, I've seen firsthand how natural remedies can lead to lasting wellness. It's a thoughtful and thorough approach that aligns with the body's innate wisdom.

Affordable and Accessible Healing: Emphasis on Low Cost, Low Risk

Nature's Bounty

Natural medicine offers an array of low-cost, low-risk interventions. As an herbalist, I take pride in crafting remedies that are not only effective but also financially accessible. By relying on nature's abundance, herbalism makes healing available to everyone, without compromising safety or efficacy.

Supporting the Body's Innate Healing Abilities

Trusting the Natural Process

One of the things I love most about herbalism is the emphasis on supporting the body's own healing processes. By carefully choosing herbs and natural supplements, I've witnessed remarkable recoveries that align with the body's inherent ability to heal itself. It's a gentle approach that respects and harnesses the body's natural wisdom.

The Concerning Side of Conventional Medicine: A Critical Perspective

The Hidden Risks

The medical industry has seen cases like Vioxx, heavy metals in vaccines, and breast implant illness, which reveal the alarming risks of certain treatments. These instances have shaped my belief in the importance of thoroughly testing and transparently sharing information about all health interventions. Herbalism, in contrast, leans on centuries of practice and the gentle power of nature.

The Rich History and Success of Natural Medicines

Time-Tested Healing

Humanity has been successfully using natural medicines for thousands of years. These remedies are often more bioavailable, meaning they work in harmony with the body. I often tell my clients that herbalism is not just a trend; it's a tradition, deeply rooted in human history and wisdom.

Community, Sustainability, and Ethical Practice

A Responsible Path

As an herbalist, I'm also committed to ethical sourcing, sustainability, and community engagement. Herbalism fosters a deep connection to the Earth and our local communities, promoting practices that respect both human well-being and environmental integrity.

Conclusion: Your Journey in Herbalism Awaits

Becoming an herbalist offers a fulfilling and vital path, particularly in today's complex healthcare landscape. From transparency to affordability, from treating root causes to respecting the body's natural abilities, herbalism offers a compassionate, comprehensive approach to wellness.

I invite you to explore this path with me at, where you'll find resources, training, and support to embrace herbalism in 2023. Together, we can forge a healthier, more conscious approach to healing.

Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized care.


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