Ivy Ham Herbalist

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The Need for Informed Consent

When it comes to healthcare, it’s important that patients are given all the information they need to make decisions about their treatment. This is true in all areas of medicine, including herbal medicine. One way we ensure this happens is through a process called 'informed consent'. This article will explain what informed consent is and why it is so important in herbal medicine.

Informed Consent: What it Means

Informed consent is not just about signing a form. It's about making sure the patient knows what their treatment involves, the good and bad things that could happen, and what other options they have. It's all about giving the patient the power to make decisions about their health.

Why Informed Consent Matters in Herbal Medicine

Just like other types of medicine, herbal treatments can have side effects and might not be right for everyone. That's why it's so important to have informed consent in herbal medicine. When a patient gives informed consent, it means they know about these potential risks and benefits and have chosen to go ahead with the treatment.

The Role of Informed Consent

Informed consent is important for several reasons. It gives patients control over their health, it helps build trust between the patient and their healthcare provider, and it also protects the provider by making sure they have explained everything properly to their patients.

In herbal medicine, informed consent is important for setting clear expectations, talking about potential risks like allergies or interactions with other medicines, and understanding that different people may respond differently to the same treatment.

When Informed Consent Isn't Given: The Consequences

Sometimes things go wrong when informed consent isn't given. For example, the case of the drug Vioxx is a famous one. This was a painkiller that was found to increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, but patients weren't told about these risks when they were prescribed the drug.

In the realm of cosmetic surgery, there's an equally important example to highlight the necessity of informed consent - the case of breast implants. Many women underwent this procedure without being informed of a condition now referred to as "breast implant illness" or BII. Symptoms of this condition can include fatigue, cognitive issues, muscle and joint pain, and others that significantly impact quality of life. While these symptoms are not universally experienced, and research is ongoing to understand the full scope, the fact that women weren't made aware of these potential risks prior to surgery signifies a clear breach of informed consent. This example underscores the importance of thorough and honest communication in medical procedures of any kind, for the sake of patient autonomy, health, and trust in healthcare providers.

Another significant instance is related to the triple MMR vaccination. This vaccine sparked controversy as it was linked to autism, although this remains an unsettled issue due to the lack of placebo-controlled trials. What's crucial to note is that the vaccine wasn't tested with a placebo during its trials, leading to a possibility of unknown side effects. Some people have reported that they experienced health issues after receiving the vaccine. These situations underline the importance of informed consent and how crucial it is that potential risks and limitations are clearly communicated to patients.

Why Informed Consent is Key in Herbal Medicine

Informed consent is a key part of ethical medical practice, including herbal medicine. It's all about respecting the patient's right to make decisions about their health. By making sure we have informed consent, we can improve health outcomes, build trust with our patients, and make sure we're providing the best possible care.


There is a wide variety of opinions on this hot topic, especially in light of the events that have transpired in the last few years involving certain inefficacious health mandates. My thoughts have always been that any health choices should always be made freely by individuals in consult with their health provider.